Grace Church Memphis
Glorify | Treasure | Spread


12 Week Isaiah Study Guide - "The Lord Saves"


The members of Grace Church recently completed a twelve-week study of Isaiah in our small groups. What a ride! As is the case with all of Grace's Teleios Academy material, you are welcomed and encouraged to use and distribute this curriculum freely.

As with our previous study through John's Gospel, this inductive guide was developed by Paul & Pat Nave, members of our faith family. Thank you, LORD, for these precious gifts to our body!

Isaiah Study: Features Include

  • Set up for six studies per week
  • Designed to guide you though Isaiah in just twelve weeks
  • Several pages of brief commentary further explaining the big picture of the particular portion of Isaiah you are studying (52+ total pages of condensed commentary)
  • A number of extra resources are included in the introductory section (e.g., relevant maps; condensed and expanded outlines of Isaiah; brief summaries of views on the millennium; chart of Messianic prophecies in Isaiah with their New Testament fulfillment).
  • Suggested bibliography for further study
  • 173 pages of wealth waiting to bless you
  • Click here, or on the cover image to download a PDF of the Isaiah study

As you study Isaiah, the "Prince of the prophets," which some have called "the fifth gospel," keep God's great desire in mind:

"Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you" ~ Isa 30:18.
